Saturday, May 31, 2008

where does an animal's food come from ?

This depends upon the diet of the animal. If it is a carnivore, like a wolf, tiger, then the foods will come from the fresh and blood of other animals which their eats. If the animal is herbivore, like deer, rabbit, then the foods will come from the leaves, fruits or the roots of plants which their eats. So where do plants get their food from ?

Green plants are quite different from animals. They do not take their food from other living organisms ( expect for several of eating plants).
Plants takes water and minerals from the soil and they take carbon dioxide gas from the air. Then these green plants use the energy in sunlight to make their own food by photosynthesis.

The sugar, oils, and proteins that the green plants makes for itself is organic matter that it may use for growth. That is to say the plant may use this food to build new leaves, flowers and roots. some of the plant's food, however, may be used for respiration. The energy released by respiration allows the plant to live.

Finally, some parts of the plant may die and are lost, for example the leaves that fall from trees in autumn.

Therefore , the plants make their own food by photosynthesis.
The herbivores feed upon the leaves, roots and other parts that the plant grows.

The carnivores feed upon the muscles and blood that the herbivore grows.

When animals and plants respire they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. when they produce wastes or when they die their dead bodies return the minerals to the soil.

The decomposers such as the fungi and the bacteria play an important role in returning these minerals to the soil.

This means that the chemicals in our bodies were once part of a plant. When we die these chemicals will be taken up by the roots of a plant once again. Therefore the chemicals that living plants are made of constantly being recycled .


Monday, May 26, 2008

yong-wou Lee Assignment

yong-wou Lee Assignment

If I live in Philippine after my retirement, it would change a lots of my typical days like this...
Generally says, rich and aged peoples of post industrial countries looking for the qualities of life. For example, they try to find the nice and suitable places for their life. It is a reason why some Japaness retired peoples choose the under developing nations. In this context, if I were retired, I also thought that I would be living in Philippine, it might be change lots of things.
What would my typical day be like, if I live in Philippine?
First of all, if I live there, I can enjoy more financial stability, freely life than life in Seoul .

In the morning, I will get up early and pray for God . And then I will take a walk or jog along the beatiful seasides .
After coming back home, I will take breakfast with my wife watching CNN news of the world Including something about korea affairs. Mostly days, the Breakfast will be a fresh fish and several kinds of fruits, such as mango, banana and pineapple. There are plentiful fish and fruit in Philippine. After breakfast, I will talk about some interesting things with my family in the living room. After then i would check the daily time-plans, sending e-mail to my friends and calling other member of our s.s.v.p society international others countries.

Working as a volunteer shelters where the social center or other places would be my main working place for that day. There are lots of meeting, dicussion of social affairs with my other neighbors. then we will be Deliverly to some goods or money for poor peoples in charity activity.

Sometimes, I will attend several kinds of social council meeting and will offer argent sacrificed goods for peoples who need the help.
I think that is the best way for familier with Philippine peoples and can understand their culture .

Used to have of daily hobbies like as suimming, fair golfing, take part in the concert & sing in chorus would be go on continually same as In Seoul . Through attending social meeting, activity of the service for the poor will give me special meaning of my life as a member of Vincent de Paul council. Gradually, i can live there as complete philippine . If possible , I will hold even small party with family, friends and neighbors. But having a whole, silence time is also important for me. Preparing to spear for reflexion time would be my routine course in every days.
At night, I will communicate relatives and friends who live in Korea through computer. Then, through of praying for God, I will end whole my day.

It is the 1st challenge to live in other country. and also, It is worth to challenge even though many expected difficulties, because the possibility of the happy silver life is higher in Philippine than in Korea. I expect life in Philippine as I can enjoy many spare time and abundant life that I can't have in Korea because of the economical reason.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Korean customs and the western manner

In the begining of the 21th centry, faster cultural Globalization is going hand in hand with the growing of the understanding for others cultures. In connection with
the tendency, we might able to share our culture and tradition with western others. At this point, I will compare with and contrast of Korean customs & western manner.

There are many differences between the korean custom and the western manner.
When we meet someone, we bow instead of shaking hands. For Koreans bowing is the most common form of greeting, but the westerners are different.

On the other hand, Kissing is something we seldome do in the public, even at rail-way stations and airports , but westerns are less concerned about the place and the time.
In westerns countries, the number of "13" is considered unluck but in Korea "4" is looked as had because "4" is pronunced "sa" and the sound also means death.

A Korean woman does not change her family name after marriage but an western woman does. It is considered ill-mannered for a Korean house wife to great a visiter whilewearing an apron . It is always removed when the door bell rings.

When we give someone a monetary gift , it is always wrapped in rice-paper, giving " naked" money is a breach of etiquette. but, I think, westerns are less concerned about the just apperance.

And the others, When someone sneezes or is itching his ears , it means that people are talking about him. And, there some superstitions in Korea, For stance, if a cab -driver sees a young girl wearing glasses in the early morning while he is driving his car, his fortune will be bad all day long. We often dislike cutting nails ,whistling at night time because it is not good .

There are also similarities between the korean custom and the western manner.

For example, Tipping is not established practices in Korea yet , but some parts of places in Korea using the acts like as western countries.

Normally, in concern of the bath-culture in Korea , when we take a bath. it is the custom to wash our bodies outside the tub, however, western peoples uses soap in side the tub. But recently rich families of Korea fellows to western style.

The two important birthday in the life of Korean are " the first " and " Sixtieth" however, I think the western peoples like wedding- anniversaries more than Korean peoples. But , nowadays korean peoples also have celebrate for theirs wedding- date more frequently than before.

Although different cultures are made up of different type of customs & manners,
it seems to me that, a typical korean customs are dying out of succeeding generations and becoming more susceptible to western influence. and then it will be combination to each others for the benefits of theirs livings.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Type your summary here

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passive & active practice

The active voice and the passive voice

All the people in the world admire Kennedy
-> Kennedy is admired by all the people in the world
Jack builds the house
-> The house was built by Jack
Jack built the house
->The house was built by Jack
Jack will build the house
-> The house will be built by Jack
Jack has built the house
-> The house has been built by Jack
Jack had built the house
-> The house had been built by Jack
Jack will have built the house
-> The house will have been built by Jack
Jack is building the house
-> The house is being built by Jack
Jack can build the house
-> The house can be built by Jack
Henry gave me these books
-> I was given these books by Henry
-> These books were given to me by Henry
They elected Kennedy President
-> Kennedy was elected president
We saw him enter the room
-> He was seen to enter the room
Who invented this machine?
-> By whom was this machine invented?


Monday, May 12, 2008

Freeloading brother

Annie's Mailbox
[ Freeloading Brother]
Dear Annie: My parents are not in good health. They live off their Social Security checks and take care of my 42-year-old disabled sister. My 38-year-old brother, "George", has a wife and children of his own, but still gets money from my parents. They've spent thousands of dollars on his cars, house down payments, etc.

George recently told my parents he has cancer and would like them to give him money so he can stay home with his children and live rent-free. He expects my parents to mortage their paid- for house and give him whatever money they had planned as his inheritance. He figures the sum to be $20,000.

I feel sorry for my brother, but the doctor hasn't said his cancer is terminal, so who knows what will happen. My parents barely make ends meet. My husband handles their funds and makes sure they have enough to live on.

Mom is now tying to convince Dad to mortgage the house. I've threatened to remove my sister from my parent's home if my mother keeps acting as if George is her only child. They expect me to take my sister when they die, but i'd have to build an addition to my house in order for her to stay with me. and they aren't planning to give me any money for her care.

I've never asked my parents for anyting, and my husband and I are always the ones who solve their problems. If they mortgage the house, they'll never be able to manage the payments and will eventually lose their home, but my mother is willing to do anything to help George. Now what? -- Tired of the Drama / 2008. 05. 03

Dear Tired: You've been a wonderful and caring daughter, but you can't prevent your parents from being foolish with their money. It's time to take a giant step back. You and your husband should speak to them about your concerns and, if possible, set up a trust account for your sister's care. Then let them do whatever they're going to d. If they lose the house, so be it. / 2008.05.03

[ Freeloading Brother]
Dear Annie
Tried의 부모는 42살인 장애자인 딸과 함께 사회보조금에 의존하며 살고 있는 형편인데, 38살 먹은 ‘조지’라는 아들은 처자식을 가지고 있지만 아직도 부모에게 돈을 받고있는데, 수천 달러 되는 자동차, 집세들을 낭비하고 있다.
“조지”는 최근에는 그의 부모의 사후에 얻게 되는 약 2000불 정도의 유산등을 기대해서, “암”발생과 같은 이유를 들어 부모집을 저당을 잡고 돈을 빌리려고 하고 있다.
의사는 그의 암이 불치의 것이라고 말하지 않는 관계로, Tried는 그의 오빠에게 유감을 가지고 있고 의사선생도 이것에 대해 확실한 것을 말하지 않기에 향후 일이 어찌 될 것인지 누가 알 것인가 라고 말한다.엄마는 아빠에게 집을 저당 잡히는 방향으로 설득하는 중이며, Tried는 그의 엄마가, “조지”만이 그의 유일한 자식으로 여기면서 장애 자매는 내치는 것으로 위협을 느낀다고 한다. 그들이 임종할 때, 자매를 자기가 돌 볼 것으로 기대를 하면서도, 그녀와 함께 머무를 집을 함께 건축하고, 그녀를 보호할 생각이 있는 자기에게는 한푼도 보태줄 생각이 없는 것 같다고 불만이다.
Tried는 어떤 것도 부모에게 요청하지도 않았으며, 남편하고 그녀가 그들의 문제를 풀 수 있을 것이라고 생각하며. 만약 그들이 집을 저당 잡힌다면, 그들은 결코 지불할 능력도 없고, 집만 날리게 될 것인 데 , 그녀의 어머니는 아들의 의견으로 가고 있는데 어찌하면 좋을까 하는 내용임.

Dear Tired
당신이야 말로, 휼륭하고, 사려깊은 딸이지만, 당신은 귀하의 부모들의 어리숙한 돈 관리를 막을 수는 없을 것이라고 양보를 권유하며, 당신과 당신 남편은 그들에게 이러한 관심에 대해 당연히 주장해야하나, 만약 가능하면 귀하의 장애자매를 돌보는 신뢰할 수 있는 회계를 구축한 후에는, 그들이 하고자 하는 일을 해서 집을 날리는 경우는 어쩔 수 없는 일이 아니겠느냐 하는 의견임.

Dear Annie: My sister just announced the happy news that she is engaged and plans to marry in the next year or so. Unfortunately, she has decided to have the wedding at a trendy resort a top Pike's Peak.

Annie, most of the family lives hundred of miles away from Colorado, and my sister doesn't seem to care that we can't afford the trek. How can we convince her to consider the feelings of her relatives who aren't lucky enough to fall into her tax bracket? I've missed out on a lot of special events and holidays in the past several years, and I really don't want to miss her wedding. -- Bummed Out in Minnesota.

Dear Minnesota: Your parents should inform their daughter that it would be a hardship on friends and family members to attend a destination wedding. We hope they can persuade her to be more inclusive and understand that the "ideal" wedding is less about location and more about the people who share the occasion. You also should tell her that, much as you love her, you don't believe you will be able to attend due to the distance and expense. Of course, Colorado isn't that far away from Minnesota, and if you start saving your pennies now, you might be able to get there and find modest accommodation. But if not, wish your sister the best and try to mean it. / 2008.05.03

Dear Annie
자기 여동생이 유행에 따라서 결혼식을 Pike' peak 에서 올리기로 한 것에 대해 불만을 토로하는 내용으로, “콜로라도“에서 수백 마일 떨어진 곳에서 오는 가족들의 입장을 전혀 생각지 않고 있으며, 가족들에게 이렇게 세금을 쏟아 붓는 행위를 설명할 수 있는가 ? 자기는 수년 동안 특별한 행사나 휴가를 불참했던 관계로, 금번 결혼식은 필히 놓치지 않고 참여하고 싶다는 데 어찌할 것인가 하는 불만으로 ...

Dear Minnesota : 부모로서 친지, 가족들이 어렵게 결혼식에 참석해야 되는 입장을 딸에게 주지시키고, 보다 많은 하객들의 참석을 위한, 가까운 위치의 장소가 이상적인 결혼식이라는 포괄적인 설득과 이해가 필요하며, 당신이 딸을 사랑하는 의미에서는 거리나 비용에만 치중할 수는 없지 않는가 하는 의견을 제시하며, “미네소타”에서 “콜로라도”의 먼 거리 일지라도, 여유있게 출발하면, 체류하는데 적은 비용이 들 수도 있으며, 그런 생각이 아니라면, 귀하의 딸를 위한 최선의 방법을 모색해보라는 내용임.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Movile Phone (Positive& Negative point)

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[Positive point ]

Mobile phone is a useful device that you can carry anywhere for communication.

- Uses
We can make a call and receive , send and receive text massage,take a picture, schedule arrangement, planner, using it anywhere.

- Effects
Whoever have an easy communication, keeping securits and multitasking.

- Physical characteristics
There are a lots of designs, which are small size and handful, various color, flat, small screen, buttonish

- Similar things(mobile phone)
Similar things : wireless telegraph, beeper

[Non-positve point]

Since the introduction of mobile phones, concerns have been raised about the potential health impacts and others from regular use.

- Impacts of human health
For instance, one study that reviewed the link between cellphones and sperm quality found that heavy mobile phone users had significantly less viable sperm .
A prospective study of 13 normal men found that significantly increasing their mobile phone use caused a marked short-term reduction of sperm quality.
Men who use mobile phones on a regular basis lose about 30 percent of their active sperm cells. Those who carry their mobile phones in pockets
of their pants are putting their potency at great danger.
Scientists say that even in sleep mode mobile phones are harmful.

- Safety concerns
Commercial airlines have prevented the use of cell phones and laptops, due to the fact that the frequencies emitted from these devices may disturb the radio waves contact of the airplane.

- Etiquette
Most schools have prohibited mobile phones in the classroom, due to the large number of class disruptions that result from their use, and the potential for cheating via text messaging.
possession of a mobile phone in an examination can result in immediate disqualification from all that student's subjects.
The issue of mobile communication and etiquette has also become an issue of academic interest.

- Use by drivers
The use of mobile phones by people who are driving has become increasingly common, either as part of their job, as in the case of delivery drivers who are calling a client, or by commuters who are chatting with a friend.
Officials from these jurisdictions argue that using a mobile phone while driving is an impediment to vehicle operation that can increase the risk of road traffic accidents.
Other research has found that using a mobile phone while driving may reduce the driver's concentration and reaction time.

- Environmental impacts
Like all high structures, cellular antenna masts pose a hazard to low flying aircraft. Towers over a certain height or towers that are close to airports or heliports are normally required to have warning lights. There have been reports that warning lights on cellular masts, TV-towers and other high structures can attract and confuse birds.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

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There was a picture when i joined the 70th birthday celemony who is president of Korea -Australia friedship community.I'm standing with the Ambassedor of Ausralia .
At that time , Mr Moon who was hosted the party showed his painting to the visiters.

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