Monday, April 14, 2008

presentation practice 1

[ Introudce for my self ]
I was born at Seoul, Korea in 1954. I was the 2th son of the commen parents. During my childhood, I liked reading of canton-books ,and all kinds of novels.
After military, I started Seoul-city office in 1978.
So far 30years ,I worked at YUNPUNG ,Kyanak, Seocho Dist office and Seoul city-office.
Before the summer olymipic in '88,i concerned about of Living-English.
Through of I working in Seoul-city officer, I began to study in French.
Finally, I boarded in Air-France for practing speaking French to Lyon In for six months
( My subject was Urbanism ,so I took part in an urban projet in INSA university with 5grade gradeute school students )
In 1976, I could go to the France for working In Paris . I served 2 years of resident officer at that place. Ten years after , fortunately , I have a free time from plainly, ordinary life.
[ expect other students to... ]
Some one said , we human-being is only one chance invited from Universal, so even one daily time should not spend lightly but has special meaning.
we should create long -lasting relationships through ours rare opportunity and to have enjoyable experiences.
[ expect to instructor to... ]
As you know well, mostly our korean students studying English through out their schoolhood, even graduate-school students coulde't away from the English dictionary. But to speak english fleuntly is a long way. What's the ploblem ?
we want learning English through in English as possible .
Depend on the individual goal leading a different way . in my case , sometimes I used be thought my offical job because I rest 4-5 years in public servant.
After retire ,I hope to work for International affair in society of Vencent -de Paul that is locate in Paris. So I need a lots experience to speak English, business-writings and communication with International brothers and sisters in world headquator.
so, what's my concern is having a confidence of English speaking by myself. naturally ,it lead exgerate to motivition for them.
Why d'ont use during for pracetic English through in English ? Even having a lot's of mistake of grammar , we could take a guarante using living-English in the course of practice English...

1 comment:

bosookkim said...

I think it's better to make topic sentece as follows;
"why i want to learn English"
There is no clear conclusion sentence. If you write one ovious sentence at the end of this paragraph, it should be better.
There are lots of mistake on grammer but i can understand you want to say. Unfortunately i cannot point out grammatical mistake because there are many mistakes.

Good luck !!