Sunday, April 20, 2008

Shakespaper who has shown lots of insight and understanding for me

William Shakespeare who is the greates dramatist in the world so far I have known
Through in the decades, untill now, we are dicussing of the reasons for Shakespare's near universal acceptance and popularity the world over.

- It is not that English literature is superior to the literatures of other countries or that Shakespare was a better writer than other others.
- Alothough he was a great writer, still belive, it is the universality of his themes and stories which make him greate.
- Almost anyone from any country at any time in history can identify with this themes.
- For all peoples sharing in all times experience love, hatried , jealousy and greed. Everyone at any time or another has questioned the meaning of Existence, or wanted to take revange on enemy .

These subjects and questions which transcend time and place that make Shakespare not only popular, but also great .

So, Shakespaper who has shown lots of insight and understanding for me about human-being during my schoolhood days.

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