Sunday, April 13, 2008

works in Paris

During '96-'98, I used to stay In France with my family.At that time
I used to serve as an resident-officer for Seoul metropolitian government in PARIS. Being a foreigner, I used to lots of contects with Francais. Espailly, travelling is one of my passions. Whenever I travel it's my goal to learn something from the peoples and the place I visit.
Since I used to live my familly so anything I learned in my travels was shared to my wife and two sons. In this way, I belive i'm educating something good for the benefit my children .
My subjet of the graduate-school was an Urbanism so l used to have particular of learning the policy of Housings in France.
After finshed my abord work, I would a SERVAS nember to promate peace,the unity of humankind, and understanding through the travelings.

1 comment:

bosookkim said...

You have to classify each sendtence
2) topic, conclusion
Your topic is about the Paris life during the 96-98.
In conclusion, I think it will be better to write your resolution or your private feelings.
3) Understand
I can understand what you want to tell on your life in this sentence.
4) Strengths
You use "would" "used to" properly in the sentence
5) Grammar
Unfortunately, there are lots of mistake.
You have to correct "an resident-", "used to lots of contects" "espailly" "Since I used to live ", "I believe" "Used to particular"